Why Turkey? The Reason is Turkey


The word crisis is a combination of danger and opportunity in Chinese. Therefore, there is a well-known stereotype in the working enviroment that every crisis contains opportunity along with danger. According to this stereotype, every crisis is also an opportunity for someone who knows assessment. In fact, Victor H Mair, Professor of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at the University of Pennsylvania, examined this topic in an article and corrected this stereotype that became an urban legend in the business world. According to Prof. Mair, who is deeply familiar with the grammatical structure of the Chinese, as it is said, although the word ”weiji” used in the sense of crisis is composed of the words ”wei” which means danger and ”ji” which means opportunity. When they are used together, ”ji” loses the meaning of the opportunity and makes the word it combines into “in-case”. Accordingly, “weiji” isn’t understood as “danger and opportunity” but as “case of danger”.

Nevertheless, such a common legend has a share. Indeed, crises can have many opportunities for some people.

There are economic crises and social crises throughout the world in the period we are in. In this crisis environment, you may be looking for a new life with your family outside your country, a suitable market to change or grow your business.

There is almost no unproblematic countries in the world. In Northern Europe and Scandinavian countries, where relatively high living standards are considered, life is expensive and climatic conditions are challenging in winter.

Among all these countries, it has a mild climate, young population, it hasn’t xenophobia, on the contrary friendly and hospitable social culture, centrally located in the middle of the world in terms of transportation, and located at the junction point of three continents (Africa, Asia and Europe). You can reach to Mecca, Jerusalem, Rome which are the sacred space of three religions, you can reach to Dubai, London, Moscow and many European and Middle Eastern business centers and capitals on this axis, providing ease of transportation that you can connect to by plane, it has a deep history historically but which is connected to contemporary values as a candidate country of the European Union, has important belief centers and historical shrines for all three heavenly religions, and still has all religious beliefs. There is a country in which all kinds of national and international justice mechanisms are operated, which have a modern order, where the modern legal system, which doesn’t interfere with the race and religion of anybody, operates and whose intellectual, industrial and commercial property rights are protected. This isn’t an imaginary place or fairyland, it is Turkey!

This country is the country where agriculture is engaged firstly and the native land of wheat in the world. Presently, summer and winter is a place where all kinds of vegetables and fruits can be found abundantly and cheaply. It has long shores as it is surrounded by hot sea on three sides. Also, seafood and fish abound. 340 days of the year are sunny in many parts of the country, especially in the western and southern regions. Due to this feature, it is an excellent destination preferred by many foreigners, especially British, Russian and German, for tourism purposes and then to settle.

It has highly dynamic sectors that experience 3 and 4 industrial periods in economy and trade. It is included in the European customs union and all of the investments are guaranteed by international law and arbitration.

It is a modern state of law where national and international human rights control systems are operated and human rights are protected.

It is an egalitarian country, governed by democracy, where every citizen is equal before the law and where any discrimination as a social value is denied, religion, sect, gender, color and origin, and this is also protected by law.

Turkey; It is an ancient but dynamic country that has cradled culture, history and civilizations. You can do all kinds of activities available to you as a product of humanity with confidence and more safely than many parts of the world. You can easily raise your children as a healthy, well-equipped world person with a modern culture fuel by tradition with a wide range of educational and health opportunities.

Why would you and your family not live a happier and more hopeful life? Why is Turkey? Why, Turkey!

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